Shepard & Dark
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*Limited Walk-Up shows no longer have online tickets for sale. A limited number of tickets will be available at the box office 45 minutes before a show's start time, on a first-come first-served basis. Standby tickets will be available when Walk-Ups are sold out.
Director: Treva Wurmfeld Run Time: 92 min. Format: Digital Release Year: 2012
Starring: Jessica Lange, Johnny Dark, O-Lan Jones, Sam Shepard
Producer: Amy Hobby
With director Treva Wurmfeld in person!
Join us for Treva Wurmfeld’s insightful and lyric documentary on a four-decades-long friendship that yields intimate and poetic knowledge of the iconic Sam Shepard. An indelible portrait of the complex relationship between playwright and actor Sam Shepard and his close friend Johnny Dark as they prepare forty years of their correspondence for publication, stirring up old memories both good and bad.