In Bruges
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*Limited Walk-Up shows no longer have online tickets for sale. A limited number of tickets will be available at the box office 45 minutes before a show's start time, on a first-come first-served basis. Standby tickets will be available when Walk-Ups are sold out.
Director: Martin McDonagh Run Time: 108 min. Format: Digital Release Year: 2008
Starring: Brendan Gleeson, Clémence Poésy, Colin Farrell, Ralph Fiennes, Thekla Reuten
Screenwriter: Martin McDonagh
Producers: Graham Broadbent, Peter Czernin
Nothing says Christmas like this wickedly funny crime caper. Some director/actor collaborations were made with the stars: Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks, Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro, or more recently, Martin McDonagh with Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson. In McDonagh’s monumental feature directorial debut, Farrell and Gleeson play two Irish hitmen working for Ralph “You’re an inanimate f***in’ object!” Fiennes hiding out in Bruges, Belgium. A perfect marriage of a pitch-black comedy, a crime thriller, and existential arthouse fare, this bleakly original take on the classic mafia story made McDonagh a filmmaker to watch and introduced the world to the brilliant combination of Ireland’s finest on-screen bromance.