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Poster for Los Angeles Festival of Movies – Room Temperature

Los Angeles Festival of Movies – Room Temperature

Dates with showtimes for Los Angeles Festival of Movies - Room Temperature
  • Sun, Apr 6

Please select a showtime button above to buy tickets.

*Limited Walk-Up shows no longer have online tickets for sale. A limited number of tickets will be available at the box office 45 minutes before a show's start time, on a first-come first-served basis. Standby tickets will be available when Walk-Ups are sold out.

Director: Dennis Cooper, Zac Farley Run Time: 91 min. Format: Digital Release Year: 2025

Starring: Ange Dargent, Charlie Nelson Jacobs, Chris Olsen, John Williams, Stanya Kahn, Virginia Adams

Screenwriters: Dennis Cooper, Zac Farley

Producers: Stefan Kalmár, Raoul Klooker, Charles De Meaux, Luka Fisher, Nicolas Brévière, Marcus Chang, Cara Braglia, Dennis Cooper, Zac Farley

The new film from legendary underground novelist Dennis Cooper and visual artist Zac Farley is a side-eyed, tonally unpredictable portrait of a family-run haunted house in the California desert, with an undercurrent of menace that evokes the early films of Bruno Dumont. In the lead-up to Halloween, a family transforms their home and yard into a haunted house and invites a local high schooler (Charlie Nelson Jacobs) to walk through it, but it appears the father’s (John Williams) increasingly obsessive fantasies are taking a toll on the family. Willfully eccentric, full of left turns but always controlled and precise, Room Temperature marks an exciting creative breakthrough for one of America’s living masters of regional transgression and surrealism.

The Los Angeles Festival of Movies (presented by MUBI and Mezzanine) is a curated annual film festival in Los Angeles, presenting new independent and restoration premieres to a local audience. Now in its second year, the festival, an event put on by the film non-profit Mezzanine, redefines Los Angeles as a destination for independent film. Running April 3-6, 2025, LAFM has curated a selection of high profile narrative and documentary film premieres; talks with local artists, luminaries, and thought leaders; and parties each night at three exciting new east side LA venues. The festival is the new nexus for the city’s burgeoning indie film community to gather, discuss and celebrate independent cinema.

Click here for more information about the Los Angeles Festival of Movies and to purchase tickets.

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